Watertown Chess Club Members,
The Fall Tournament begins Oct 8th, this Tuesday thru Nov 12th. Make-up dateNov 19th. This is a round-robin affair. Lets make it a competitive and robustly well attended affair.
Players who have committed to playing in the Club Fall 2013 Tournament are: Dr. Kistler, Mr. Prieto, Mr. Kratzat, Mr. Klug, Sgt. Shepherd and I believe Mr. Kubis. Sgt. Shepherd is unavailable Oct 8th. Dr Kistler is unavailable Nov 5th & 19th.
This is the last rated weeknight tournament of the season. ANYONE Else playing?? Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
Remember we have the Jefferson County Championship scheduled at the Red Cross on Saturday, Oct 19th ; entry fee $23. Have heard that we will have out of town players joining us from Saranac Lake. This will be a nice tournament. Last weekend club event till next year. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by either.
Don Klug, TD