WCC Fall Tournament
Rd 6: Nov 13
Prieto 1/2, Kistler 1/2
Kratzat 1, White 0
Klug 1, Kubis 0
Round 7, Nov 20
Kistler, wht vs Kratzat
L. White, wht vs Klug
Kubis, wht vs Kelsey
Prieto, Bye
WCC Fall Tourn. Standings
Prieto 5
Kistler 4 1/2
Kratzat 4
Klug 2 1/2
Kelsey 1
Kubis 1
L. White 0
This Tournaments’ winner is still undecided. We could still have any one of the top 3 finish 1st , and with at least two combinations of a tie.
The 2012 Club Championship begins Nov 27th concurrently with the 2012 Invitational. Invite a friend to participate in the Invitational. Four rounds, game in 90( with delay 5 seconds )minutes, ending December 18th. All games will be non-USCF rated. Come and enjoy the fun.